Girls’ New Video–Drivin’ and Cryin’ in The City

Aug 8th, 2011 in Music

One of our musical faves, San Francisco band Girls, has just released the first video (of the song Vomit) from their impending new album, “Father, Son, Holy Ghost.” The song itself is a grand kitchen sink of influences with both fuzzy psychedelic and Neil Young-esque guitar, acoustic balladry, Spector-Wall-of-Sound, and a soul-gospel diva ending.  After the third listen, we were hooked.  The video features a ’65 Mustang cruising the streets of San Francisco (including a night-time drag down an empty Chinatown street, the Stockton Tunnel, etc.) and depicting the singer “looking ’round for [his] baby.”  The lyrics aren’t profound, but combined with the music the song and video did not make us vomit (homage to Chris Mundell’s stellar movie reviews).

The band’s promo says this about the new album:

“Father, Son, Holy Ghost juxtaposes the pain and beauty, hope and misery, which lie at the heart of gospel music.  According to Owens, “the title does come from a religious place, but it’s more about acknowledging the fact that music does have a spiritual quality you can’t put your finger on.” The 3-piece gospel choir that accompanies the band on seven of Father, Son, Holy Ghost’s 11 tracks echoes that sentiment.  “Some of the earliest songs we learn are happy and joyous, which is why we sing when we are sad, in a sort of effort to get back to that place of happiness…” says Owens. Christopher’s earliest experiences with music were playing religious songs in the street; here, he elevates his songs to a sacred place — not church but the rock’n’roll songbook, assembled with the toolkit (paper, pen, guitar) of a true believer.”

Some have said that Vomit was divined in part from Proverbs 26:11: “As a dog returns to its vomit, so a fool repeats his foolishness.”  Whatever the case, we like it.



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