Unknown Mortal Orchestra

The Portland-based band, Unknown Mortal Orchestra (signed to Fat Possum Records), has been building a bounteous buzz in recent months. They say that imitation is the sincerest [form of] flattery. As you can hear/see in the first half of the new video below for their song Ffunny Ffrends, on this song Unknown Mortal Orchestra have majored in Grizzly Bear imitation with a minor in Flaming Lips flattery. Who can blame them? If you have to copy someone…. Fortunately, the band breaks beyond mere imitation in the second half of the song, and we hear a fuzzier vocal and lead guitar playing that draw distinctions from the influences. And the video further below (for their song How Can You Luv Me) gives further credence to their differentiation. This is a young band (check the moppet drummer ferheavensake!), and only time will tell their true worth. But Unknown Mortal Orchestra sounds and looks like it has unknown mortal talent. They are currently on tour with another buzz-band (that we like), Yuck. Check ’em out.
Unknown Mortal Orchestra – ‘Ffunny Ffrends’ from Bowlegs on Vimeo.
Yourstru.ly Presents: UMO “How Can You Luv Me” from Yours Truly on Vimeo.