Bon Iver–The Magnificent “Holocene” Video

Aug 18th, 2011 in Music

Check out Bon Iver’s official video for their hopeful but helpless song Holocene, one of our top songs of the 2011. Director Nabil Elderkin fittingly filmed the video in Iceland.  Blow it up big while viewing.  There will be magnificence in our insignificance.

Band leader/songwriter Justin Vernon has said this about the song:  “Holocene is a bar in Portland, Ore., but it’s also the name of a geologic era, an epoch if you will. It’s a good example of how all the songs are all meant to come together as this idea that places are times and people are places and times are… people?  They can all be different and the same at the same time. Most of our lives feel like these epochs. That’s kind of what that song’s about. “Once I knew I was not magnificent.” Our lives feel like these epochs, but really we are dust in the wind. But I think there’s a significance in that insignificance that I was trying to look at in that song.”

BON IVER “Holocene” from nabil elderkin on Vimeo.

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