Tapes n’ Tapes–A Sleepover Show

Nov 14th, 2011 in Music

We’ve liked the Minneapolis-born band, Tapes n’ Tapes, ever since their urgency-riddled debut album, “Loon,” in 2007.  Though not favored by the critics, we also enjoyed their Dave Fridmann-produced sophomore album, “Walk It Off.And earlier this year the band released it’s third album, the return-to-full-form “Outside,” which includes three song-subjects performed by the band on a just-released Sleepover Show out of Boston.

First check out the great, driving first single off of Outside, Freak Out, followed by One in the World.  Then check out the footstomping acoustic-shuffle delivery of SWM (following the song lyrics).  We like how the lyrical despair in  SWM cuts against the grain of the ostensibly upbeat music.

“Give me all your money
and give me all your friends
I’ll be your saviour

And when your heart is aching
and I’ll be your bitter end
Those thoughts of mine
Those thoughts of mine

And when you pull up to the old time table
And you start to see
that you’re unable
I’m alone
You are alone

Now we’re in the middle
Awaken till the end
I’ll be alone most of the time
You’ll be alone most of the time

And when you find your body aching
I’ll be your bitter end
Time to ache, time to hold her
And bottle up your soda

When you’re walking, walking, walking, walking
I’ll be on my knees,
And when you’re talking, talking, talking, talking
Your words are a disease
I’ll be alone
I’ll be alone

In the middle I’ll hold you tight
You’ve been going out every night
I’ve been holding your savings tight

You called me out
I’m not so sure
You’ve been here before
And when you hold
-my hand
I’ll walk you out
i’ll have you over

Don’t meet me in the middle
I am not a friend
You called me up
You called me out
and so, so, so, so, sure that

You are not a level
You’re not innocent
You called me up
and called me out
and so, so, so, so, so, sure that

You are alone
You are alone
You are alone
You are alone
You are alone
You are alone”

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