Falling For Veronica Falls

Dec 7th, 2011 in Music

We’d been hearing raves about Glasgow-band, Veronica Falls, but after quickly checking out a few of their offerings, we were frankly nonplussed (turns out attention-deficit can be a bane–who knew?).  And then we stumbled upon Insound’s recent charismatic capture of the band in their Studio Sessions, and the quick-strum, propulsive, over-the-falls, nostalgic sound of the band performing their new song, Bury Me Alive, and the comely Come On Over (off of their eponymous debut album). And thereafter we’ve been falling all over for Veronica Falls.  These are players who play their instruments with fervor and skill, but ultimately mesh their sound into a beguiling, intertwined whole, and in so doing remind us conceptually of the seminal Feelies.  Their lyrics oft-times center around mordant themes, but the band as said this about that:  “[The lyrics] are not really meant to be taken at face value, to be totally honest,” says Roxanne. “They’re tongue-in-cheek. Like how Daniel Johnson and Roky Erickson wrote lyrics that are so far fetched, it is more about the imagery and storytelling. If you take it literally then more fool you.”  With continued growth and evolution, this young band will be a force to be reckoned with.

Check out those two performances from Insound Studio Sessions below, and then check out their more punkish Beachy Head (evidently a reference to a suicide spot).   Pass the Ray-Bans, you never know what or who might fall at your feet.  Great stuff.

Bury Me Alive:

Come On Over:

Beachy Head:

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