Watch Stars Perform at the Bing Lounge and Listen to “The North” Album

We hold Canadian band Stars in the highest of regard. If you don’t know them, and if you merely glance at the band or quickly skip through their tracks, you might not “get” them (or you may have forgotten them in the ongoing quest for “the new”–similarly, see our Pinback post below). If so, you would be making a colossal mistake. If you instead dive in and let Stars’ songs wash over you, you will be repeatedly rewarded by the band’s craft and intelligence. Their songs are consistently as good, if not better, than U2, Coldplay, or pick-a-band, and yet they toil in comparative obscurity south of the Canadian border. Their latest album, The North, is another superb collection of heady, emotional and melodic songs that deserves a far wider audience (you can stream it at their Soundcloud site at bottom). Do yourselves a favor and check them out (or again). They continue to operate in a higher realm.
To get a better feel (and despite the sterile visual surroundings) check out the band’s stellar harmonies and deft instrumental acumen on well-crafted songs The North, A Song is a Weapon and Backlines, all as performed for KINK Radio at the Bing Lounge. And if you want more, you can check out their recent KCRW session HERE. So very, very good.