Watch Okkervil River’s Tiny Desk Concert

Oct 15th, 2013 in Music


Okkervil River has been overflowing the banks of our listening time, and their new album The Silver Gymnasium is the primary force majeure causing this quagmire (the three-song sequence of Down Down the Deep River, Pink-Slips and Lido Pier Suicide Car is the best of any album in recent memory).  While out on tour in support of the new album, the band was captured unplugged, performing three songs off of the new album by NPR.  Check it out below.  There will be comic-geeking and Petty-talk by leader Will Sheff.   And muted trumpets.  And brilliant lyricism and goodwill all around.  They play LA and SF on October 20th and 22nd, respectively.

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