It’s December–Watch The Killers (and Dawes) “Christmas In L.A.” Benefit Track and Video with Owen Wilson and Harry Dean Stanton

Dec 2nd, 2013 in Music


We’re all over the map when it comes to The Killers. We’ve loved a good part of their early music and their live deliveries. But somewhere along the way they seemed, in ways, to go the way of stereotypical “rock stars,” and we heard their ardent fans confess disillusionment with the band and their ever-shortening concert sets.  But just when we write them off completely the band reals us back and particularly in December (which it is now, unbelievably) when they release their (now 8th) annual Christmas track (oft-times, as this year on World AIDs Day, in support of Product (RED) in its efforts to combat the HIV virus and disease.

Without further adieu, check out The Killer’s newly-released song and video, Christmas in L.A., below (via Rolling Stone), in which they’ve added Owen Wilson (and Harry Dean Stanton and an animated Warren Zevon–as seen in the screenshot above) to depict “a struggling actor in L.A. who misses the traditional Christmas.” The Killers also smartly brought in Dawes (the song IS set in L.A., isn’t it?) to add adroit LA-scene harmonies.  And The Killers brought in BYU students (shocked) to help on the animation.

What really caught our ears in the song is how much The Killer’s Brandon Flowers sounds like the great Bill Mallonnee (Vigilantes of Love) in Flower’s alt-country vocal here.  It’s uncanny.  Which reminds:  if you want to do another good Christmas deed, go out and support Mallonnee and buy an album or ten from Mallonnee HERE as Christmas/Holiday presents.  Both the artist and the recipients (in particular) will thank you heartily.

Check out the video below and purchase the song via iTunes to support Product (RED) and its various programs against AIDs.

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