There Will Be Beauty: Watch Official Video for JBM’s “Only Now”

In all honesty, this is our first awareness of the singer-songwriter JBM—AKA Jesse B. Marchant. Shame on us. Regardless, there can be no better intro to the classically-trained artist’s music than via director Houmam Abdallah’s official video (via Nowness) for JBM’s song Only Now. The song is off of his 2012 Stray Ashes album, which was written and recorded in a Bon Iver-esque studio that Marchant set up in a rented house in upstate NY. We love everything about the song and video, not least of which are the Northern Scotland environs. And who doesn’t like a good steam train?
If you like what you hear (and we do, and especially the well-wrought lyrics), watch JBM perform another song, Moonwatcher, off of Stray Ashes for BreakThruRadio, followed by the official video for On Fire On A Tightrope, also off of the album, which you can buy HERE. JBM is currently at work on his follow-up to Stray Ashes. We won’t miss this one.