Watch Jack White Light Up The Tonight Show

As everyone knows, Jimmy Fallon and crew have great taste in music, and last night Fallon was in music-geek heaven when the great Jack White lit up the stage on The Tonight Show. White and band first played the rootsy Just One Drink as a web-exclusive, and then rendered an incendiary take on the title track of White’s new album, Lazaretto. After bowing to White after each performance, Fallon interviewed White, focusing on the inventive, feature-laden “Ultra LP” edition of Lazaretto (watch White’s video at bottom). You can check out the Tonight Show songs and interview below.
Anybody questioning the passion and intensity of Jack White on stage need only assay how long it takes for him to come out of his trance-like state at the end of the slashing Lazaretto. The boy has got it. In spades.
Jack White “Lazaretto” ~ Jimmy Fallon’s Tonight… by HumanSlinky