Watch Laney Jones’ Official Video for “Who Could Love” From One Of The Best Albums of 2016

The relentless rummage has been wasting our time and fracking our focus. In a rare moment of clarity, we submit that Laney Jones’ (and The Spirit‘s) self-titled album is easily one of the Best Albums of 2016. We confess our clarity was triggered by today’s release of their tranquillo video for the album’s Who Could Love (see below, with lyrics at bottom).
After catching Jones & The Spirit’s superb live act, we featured their Zika-catchy song Allston (Dance Around), and vowed to give the album its greater due. Three months later, we confirm that we had it right all along. The brilliant album has a broad and varied pallet that bears repeated listening and argues that Jones and her songwriting partner, Matthew Tonner, might be the next Lennon-McCartney, Jagger-Richards, Goffin-King or (the other) Jones-Strummer (OK, that might be minor hyperbole, but time will tell–don’t bet against them).
The album’s deceptively simple-sounding (but clandestinely-complex) songs are gems that will transport you. In addition to the great songwriting, vocals and playing, David Plakon has appropriately-framed the group with his deft production. Favorite songs include the sepia-toned Do What You Want, the Wilco-esque Bad Luck Charm, the ebullient Work It Out, the swaggering and audacious Firewalk (with it’s gripping off-count delays), the endearingly-confessional Lonesome Soul, the powerful The Simple Truth and the seasonally-apropos Endless Summer. That’s right–there’s not a bad song on the album. Do yourselves a favor and go pick up the album HERE.
And keep your eyes and ears open for Laney Jones & The Spirit, who are out on tour and headed to the West Coast (including Cali in two weeks). Check out the dates HERE.
“Tired and thankless
No room for the vanquished
The man at the banquet
Says there’s plenty of food
Just not for you
There’s no point in fighting
I used to play nicely
But damn Aphrodite’s got a hold on me
I’m not the person I used to be
No one stays in their infancy
I am leaving my history
Who could love a fool like me?
I’m beat, broke down
I’ve got nothing to give but mystery
Who could love a fool like me?
I need a new love
I’m kicking the old drugs
To the man up above
Let me go my way
I’ve got no reason to stay
I’m staring at pages
I’m lost in the spaces
Can’t get what they’re saying
What’s that say about me?
I’m not the person I used to be
No one stays in their infancy
I am leaving my history
Who could love a fool like me?
I’m beat, broke down
I’ve got nothing to give but mystery
Who could love a fool like me?”