On Sunday: Watch Chance The Rapper Celebrating The Reason For The Season on SNL

The Best Artist of the Year, Chance The Rapper, was the musical guest on SNL last night and rained down great gospel music on the proceedings. Dressed in a red overalls/white shirt, Santa motif, Chance and NoName and an effervescent ensemble delivered a powerful, moving performance of Finish/Line. Watch below as Chance rightly calls out and dances off of his fantastic drummer, Greg Landfair Jr. Chance also played piano and performed Same Drugs with help from Francis (of Francis and the Lights) and (at 3:29) from astonishingly great backup singers (who dey?) who are truly a mere 20 Feet From Stardom.
Last night’s performance came almost a year-to-the-day from Chance’s SNL-debut last year (watch his stupendous performance of Sunday Candy at bottom). We hereby petition SNL and Chance to make this an annual Christmas performance to eclipse the memories of Bing Crosby and, err, umm…White Christmas.
As an added bonus check out Chance’s skit homage to Obama and Run D.M.C.’s classic Christmas in Hollis vignette. Awesomeness all around!