Watch Feist’s “Century” Video

Yesterday Feist achieved a fantastic hat-trick: her phenomenal Pleasure album was selected for Canada’s Polaris Music Prize Short List; her mega-hit album The Reminder observed its 10th anniversary; and she released the official video for her cataclysmic, yet-hopeful song-of-love Century.
The video depicts Feist and another femme each leading gangs grappling with each other beneath an overpass. Our favorite portion is at 3:13 when the actors break up the fight and instead turn to each other and pantomime the lyrics: “Someone who will lead you to someone, who will lead you to someone, who will lead you to the one, at the end of the century.” Sweetness. Afterwards Jarvis Cocker (Pulp) delivers his arithmetical monologue from the song.
Check it out below.