Skater Dater–In Memory of Orcutt’s Lake Marie and Palomino Drives

May 11th, 2010 in Music

We are so old as to have lived through the advent of Cadillac Wheels back in the day.  Urethane reduced, but also enhanced, the pain.  We will admit to only riding skate longboards these days, and have not taken to the clickety-clack of the modern day “tricksters.”   Back in the day though we took some steep drops with speed and lived for the kick-push life.

Many tributes have been paid to skating in song, but we like the juxtaposition of Lupe Fiasco’s Kick, Push (off of his 2006 debut record) and Little Wing’s Shredder Sequel. The former is the update and the latter is a throwback (and a reference to a further throwback).  Lupe you know.  Little Wings is the phenomenal, uniquely-voiced band originally from San Luis Obispo (now Portland) headed by virtuosic Kyle Field (have a look at his stellar art at

But to the skate songs–check ’em out.

Lupe Fiasco–Kick, Push

[audio:|titles=kick push]

Little Wings–Shredder Sequel

[audio:|titles=03 Shredder Sequel]

All Drawings Used With Kind Permission of  Multitalen-Tad Wagner

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