Bill Callahan on Mickey Newbury

Aug 30th, 2011 in Music

In support of their brilliant re-issuance of the previously-out-0f-print best albums of Mickey Newbury, Drag City Records recently provided the following accolades for Newbury from another of our favorites, Bill Callahan:

“I’m always surprised when I listen to a Mickey Newbury record how encompassing they are. They are whole worlds within themselves, galaxies or minds. The music takes you there and holds you there. Few things have the power to do something so big. And the calmness he shows, within the grips of such power. From what I’ve read, it seems like some of the people around him at the time would hear his music and be worried for him! Messing with this stuff is beyond most men and women. But he always said, “I write my sadness.” He puts all our sadness there, and joy and the rest of it. The songs are lifeblood.”

True Bill, so true.  Go over to Drag City at the link above, and check further into Mickey Newbury.



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